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Weekly wrap up #3!

Hi NEASTers! Friday has rolled around again, so here we are to let you guys know what has been happening at NEAST HQ this week!

There was no working bee this time ’round, but we do have one organised for the coming week, fingers crossed and weather permitting!

However, this didn’t stop things from happening in preparation of finishing the cattery… Michelle was kept busy digging out the last of the trench ready for the electrician, and back filling what we’d already finished where the weather (and enthusiastic paws!) had resulted in the earth settling. As always, she was closely watched by site supervisor Cody!


We also bid farewell to Teddy (the cat) and Patch dalmation x wolfhound), who have both settled into their new homes beautifully and had their trials finalised this week. Both of these boys have fallen on their feet into excellent homes! Good luck boys and thanks to your new furparents for supporting the sanctuary! Xxx


And in other great animal news, Theo has calmed down! As we previously reported, Theo had a tendency towards annoying other cats by trying to be the boss. We had hoped that as his hormones dropped after neutering this may resolve itself, and it looks like it has! He is now playing nicely with everyone and no longer trying to be THE MIGHTIEST CATTEN IN KITTEN CORNER! He’s just happy to be Theo, and hang with his mates. Also, Mary Kate has settled back in nicely and is socialising well with everyone, and Felicity is taking steps to overcome her shyness too. Here’s a little photo Michelle shared ❤ As you can see, we have somewhat of a theme at the sanctuary at the present; Mary Kate, Nero, Marla, Jasper and Theo. This doesn’t include Marco (black) Puddin (white with black markings)!


And speaking of photos of our fuzzy buddies – the North East Animal Sanctuary Tasmania are rapt to announce the pending release of our very first sanctuary calendar! You can now surround yourself with twelve months of adorable faces for the tiny sum of $23 delivered, whilst supporting our efforts in rehoming the sweet souls – some of which you’ll see in 2019s calendar, no doubt! The calendar will feature lots of our adopted (and some available) cats/kittens/dogs/puppies from NEAST, and will look something along these lines (this is just a draft, but will be very similar! And no chopped off faces, we promise!) We are taking orders for these RIGHT NOW, so let us know if you’re keen to support us – we have limited numbers of calendars available and they’re selling really well!


Michelle has also been busy working on some other branded items, and we will soon be selling these too – things like bumper stickers, fridge magnets etc. You’ll be able to show your support and tell everyone you are a NEASTer for a very small cost! And will be available soon – watch this space!

AND… (there’s more!) these things will also be available for purchase – if stocks last that is – at the SCOTTSDALE SHOW on the 17th and 18th of November, where we will be having a stall to promote the sanctuary. What else might you find on the stall? Who knows! We don’t know yet ourselves! But we’ll keep you updated, including where you can find us on the day.

That about wraps us up for the last week NEASTers… we look forward to seeing your comments etc on our Facebook page, and don’t forget to drop us a message if you’re keen to order a calendar – or for any other reason!

Megan x

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