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Weekly wrap up #10!


Whoo we’re into double figures on the weekly wrap ups at last!

It was another quiet week at NEAST HQ with no working bee as our builder is presently unavailable do to injury – get well soon Rob! We are looking forward to getting our teeth into the cattery and quarantine areas again super soon! Michelle and I had a nice catch up and chat about progress, and we’re rolling up our sleeves soon and getting stuck in!

This did leave some time for catching up on paperwork, laying a few more plans down for our stall at the Scottsdale Show, and introducing Colin to the rest of the kitties in Kitten Corner. As always, Nero took the whole thing in his stride – he is paws down the most casual cat ever – and everyone else is coming to terms with the concept in good time. Introducing new cats into the fold is always an adventure, but thankfully the cats/cattens here are fairly amicable to change so it settles down quickly. Also, it turns out Colin really likes dogs! Which opens up a whole new group of potential new owners for him ❤

And in excellent kitty update news – Larry is coming along in leaps and bounds! Larry came to us as an adult, not-entirely-domestic, who had really only come to fully trust one person in his life – his dad, who sadly passed away. Larry found his way into our care at the sanctuary and Michelle has been working hard to gain his trust – he now greets her cheerfully (and noisily!) for food, and rubs around her ankles. Even when scared of you, he isn’t an aggressive cat – he really does have a lovely nature, esp. given he came to us frightened of most people and so unsure. Larry may or may not ever become a lap cat, but with patience and a calm demeanor, he will definitely become a nice companion for the right person – are you this person? (In my personal experience, it’s these less-then-entirely-domestic cats that become THE most affectionate once they trust you!)

Our raffle tickets are still on sale, and will be popping up in shops near you very soon. We’ll keep you updated about where you can find them, or you can contact Michelle and I via this blog or the NEAST Facebook page!

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And of course they will be available at the Scottsdale Show, on the 17th/18th of November. We will be in the animal tent, hanging out with all the adorable animals so we’ll be easy to find! You can come look at the cute bunnies etc, and support us at the same time – we’ll have our fundraising goods available on the day – calendars, bumper stickers etc – as well as SOMETHING NEW we’re trialing – any NEASTers with sensitive skin, who like to support Aussie made and owned and avoid chemical nasties AND look after the orangutans? Come find us, because we’ll be selling GOAT SOAP, made from goat milk (not goats!). We’ll have a good range but limited numbers whilst we gauge interest, so get in quick!

You may have noticed we’ve been quiet lately on the Adoptee of the Week front… we’ll be releasing an interesting new bit of info on Wednesday, after Halloween. Keep an eye on our Facebook page to find out more…

I hope all of our awesome NEASTers are doing fantastically well!

Megan x

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