(there’s todays ear worm for you, folks! I like to think MC Hammer would be a cat person, don’t you?)
So we’re ready to get the ball rolling on our annual North East Animal Sanctuary Tasmania Raffle! Tickets are only $1 each again, and can be purchased either directly from the sanctuary via our Facebook page, or from Megan or Michelle if you know us personally. We will have tickets available in some shops etc, and we’ll let you know who and where as soon as that’s locked down.
So the important bit: the PRIZES!
First prize Norwex valued at $275 donated by Helen Fellows – awesome environmentally friendly cleaning products!
Second prize is an amazing Furbabies and friends photoshoot (you would recognise Debs brilliant work from our wolfie/dal litter photoshoot) and framing voucher from Wombat Frames – combined value of $175
Third prize is one night accommodation at Bicheno Tidelines valued at $100 with a $25 voucher for food at Pasini’s Cafe, combined value of $125
Fourth prize is a $100 Tattoo Voucher from Tsunami Tattoo – where Michelle has had her excellent ink done!
Fifth prize is a gorgeous squishy Lorraine linen dog bed donated by Louise Muddle, valued at $90.
We couldn’t do this without the support of our wonderful donators, whose services and products can all be viewed by clicking on their names/business names – go on, pop over and see what the products and services are like in case you win 😀
Good luck everyone!
Megan x