Hi again NEASTers!
Another busy week for NEAST HQ. We’re a pretty busy bunch!
This week we welcomed in Sophia (left) and Larry (right), both adult cats that have come to us under some sad circumstances. Their two legger mums and dads have sadly had to relinquish them to us due to health/age related issues, so we now have the solemn duty of finding these two their forever homes. I don’t imagine Sophia the stunner will be with us long – an affectionate, ENORMOUS lass (we suspect Maine Coon!) who has generated interest already, however poor Larry has taken the change in circumstances very hard, and is going to need a lot of TLC before he’ll be ready to move out.

So another two sweet souls to find homes for – so much for rehoming everyone before kitten season… we’re heading the wrong way! Help turn us around and find our way back to empty catteries before kitten season starts? Don’t forget we’re running a pretty good offer at the moment…

And in updated building news, Elese and Hayley worked on covering in walls outside of the new cattery, and Rob, Lexie, Noel and Megan worked on the plastering, and prepared the site for new windows and doors. We masterminded a huge list of MORE JOBS that need doing (it’s endless!) and have yet another big shopping list for the next step. Onwards and upwards!!! We’re having another working bee this coming weekend, watch this space!

As regular viewers of this blog will know, this week bought the launch of Friends of NEAST. You can read up on this by checking the blog post immediately after this one – if you’re keen please contact us! We have a set number of calendars available for this offer, so it’s first in best dressed.
And speaking of the calendar – if you’ve ordered one, please note that we need payment by October 6th. And as previously mentioned, we have a limited number still available for those who are still keen – hop on it!
Finally, we have nearly sorted out the details with all our drop off points for donations – this week we announced Thrifty Links Hardware in Bridport as our drop off point for that region, and tomorrow I’ll be announcing the Launceston drop off point too – exciting! We’ll have a comprehensive list together soon ❤
I hope all our wonderful NEASTers are keeping super well, we look forward to hearing from you soon!
Megan x