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Weekly wrap up #2

Hi NEASTers 🙂 Megan here! It’s been a looooong day here at NEAST HQ! And we’ve all finally got to sit down and relax, so here I am, fluffy dog on lap to update you guys on what we’ve been up to this past week!

We had our first working bee last Saturday, which saw Michelle, Elese, Rohan, Rob, Lexie and myself get stuck into the quarantine area and cattery. Unfortunately for us the weather was not on our side but we still made some great progress! The ceiling went up in the quarantine area along with some insulation, and the insulation and beams began to go up in the cattery also. Rob also recommended to us that we clad the sheds, to ensure temp control and keep moisture out – so that’s another job ahead of us, and will need us to secure a little more funding!

first week

Our second working bee happened today, which saw more progress and has left us all a bit sore! Today Elese, Michelle, Hayley, Tara, Lexie, Rob, Noel, Ruby and myself got stuck right in to the jobs.  Us ladies backfilled the trench that was dug for the wiring, which was a huge and laborious job.


And then as a group we all plastered/insulated the ceiling of the cattery!


Unfortunately our electrician hasn’t been well so we weren’t able to finish plastering the walls today, but we hope to have that sorted very soon! Get well Geoff!

This week also sure us securing a Scottsdale drop off point for donated food/goods – Begents have come on board with us to help us out, and they’re perfectly placed! Thanks so much to Begents for helping us out, and watch this space for something cool that they’re also helping us out with soon – it’s gonna be a lot of fun and pretty cool! Also for our Launceston based NEASTers, we will have a drop off point (or two) organised in there soon – thanks so much to the businesses who contacted us, eager to come on board!

And speaking of donated food/goods… here’s our wish list going into kitten season – can you help? Even one item is appreciated, nothing is too little!


This past week has been a great week for finalised adoptions – Kath, Kel and Cinnamons trials have all been successful, and they have all left us for their new homes for good! Ellen, Teddy and Patch are all still on trial and little Candy the staffy went out on trial today. Sadly, Peppers trial did not work out and she has returned to NEAST to settle back into a routine, ready to try again once we find the perfect home.

So that’s our week! It’s been very constructive, and very tiring but also very worth it. We hope all our lovely NEASTers are keeping well, and we look forward to seeing you around soon!

Megan x

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