Hi NEASTers!
Welcome to our very first weekly update – another new concept for the sanctuary! In these, we will be aiming to keep everyone updated on what is happening around the sanctuary – who is moving in, who is moving out, what our week has brought… you get the idea. This weeks entry is a very positive one for us!
This week saw us finalising the adoption of Zorro – now known as Django. As you can see he’s slotted in nicely with his new family, and we wish them all the very best! This is the second time his new family have chosen to adopt from us here at NEAST, and we are super appreciative of this.

We have another three super lucky kitties out on trial at the moment – Duchess, Kath and Kel. Duchess (left) has been with us a little while, and came from some unpleasant circumstances. She has a big (and noisy) personality, so we have been working hard to find the right home. Kath and Kel (right) came in as tiny little 3 week old orphans, and our super foster carer Erica stepped up to the plate and helped raise them to the gorgeous kittens they are today. Fingers crossed all three have found their perfect forever homes!

And finally, we have another three residents lucky enough to have potential new homes – Pepper (left) and Teddy (top right) have meets this coming week, and Candy (bottom right) has had a successful meet already and once her health is fully up to scratch should be heading out on trial!

So! It’s been a huge week in the sanctuary and we’re super pleased! Not only is finding their forever homes excellent news for these pets, it’s equally wonderful for the sanctuary – as every adoption not only saves the pet adopted, but makes room for us to take in another! And with kitten season coming up, we could use all the room we can get.
In other news, this week we were busy delivering our latest fundraiser – the Krispy Kremes – and Megan has been busy working on securing support from businesses to help us cut costs and raise money. Revolution have been fantastic to us this week, and thanks to them our new intakes will be well protected from fleas and worms this coming kitten season!
We have also been fortunate to secure a builder who is keen to come on board and help us out with our building projects, and we have sorted out a shopping list of what we need – watch this space! Stuff will start happening soon.
That sums up our week here at North East Animal Sanctuary Tasmania – here’s hoping next week is equally as terrific for us!
And don’t forget – if you have any feed back or anything you’re keen to say to us, feel free to contact us via the Contact button in the top right of your screen!
Take care, NEASTers! ❤