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Updated: Jul 31, 2019

Everyone meet Dutch!

Dutch is a 12 month old, American Staffy-cross (we think!) and has the nicest nature.

Initially Dutch presented at the vet with a luxating left patella. (Prior to our involvement)

Due to Dutch’s conformation, he has very straight back legs. As a result, he’s knee caps (patellas) are very mobile and move around causing him much discomfort.

We call these ‘luxating patellas’

A Trochleoplasty was performed – The trochlear groove, located at the end of the femur, is abnormally shallow in dogs with patellar luxations. The groove is therefore evaluated in all dogs at the time of surgery. If it is abnormally shallow, then the groove is deepened.

This was done and the owners had a great set up for Dutch’s recovery.

Unfortunately within the week, Dutch’s right knee luxated 😦 , which the owners were advised could happen.

However the owners and the vet did not expect it to happen so quickly 😱😱

This meant that Dutch would require a lot more physical involvement to help him out to the toilet etc, along with the cost and the same convalescence of healing from yet another knee surgery.

His owners were heartbroken as they were just not in a position to be able to cope with the emotional, physical and financial ramifications.

So our vets (Scottsdale Veterinary Services) called us to help out

Once Dutch had healed from the initial surgery the vets did a second surgery on his other knee which involved cutting his tibia which is where the patella ligament attaches and repositioning it so that the patella ligament holds the knee cap in place.

(Tibial Tuberosity Transposition – The attachment of the patellar ligament to the tibia, the tibial tuberosity, is detached and moved towards the outside of the joint in dogs with medial patellar luxation. In dogs with lateral luxation, the tibial tuberosity is moved towards the inside of the knee. The tuberosity is then stabilized in its new location with small pins, and typically heals during the next 8 weeks.)

Due to having to cut the bone, this is quite a painful procedure. 😥

Dutch is healing nicely from this surgery and will be ready in 6-8 weeks to have the second surgery on his initial knee as the Trochleoplasty failed, so for long term well being he will have to have the same Tibial Tuberosity Transposition performed on the original knee.

Post-operative care for Dutch will include ‘cage rest’ and being taken out to the toilet supported so that the bone and muscles can mend.

This is just as important as his surgery!!

Once Dutch has recovered, he will be good as gold! and we can then look for the perfect home for him!

Taking in mind he may get some arthritis earlier than usual, however knowing this we can start to manage it early on.

Dutch loves to be around people and would suit someone who is home for a lot of the day.

He is definitely a people’s dog and loves attention, however will also happily wait on his bed until he is called. He is a grazer and has very good table manners.

With all these surgeries (aside from the initial surgery, which his owners paid) the vet bills for Dutch are starting to mount up and we could really use your help!!


All donations $2 and over are tax deductible and donations can be made via our account

BSB: 064 407





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