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Adoptee of the week #2


Hi NEASTers! Welcome back to our blog, and today you’re going to meet Theo, and learn a little more info about him!

2017-08-26 11.29.54

Doesn’t he look like an angel??? (Spoiler: he’s not!)

Theo is an approx 5 month old domestic shorthair. He came in with his littermates Jasper (male) and Puddin (female) and they make a very attention grabbing trio – almost pure white, except for their black tails and a few markings around their faces.

Theo is… lets say a bit of a character! Theo gets along swimmingly with his brother Jasper (and Puddin, though she is visiting away from the sanctuary at present) but his behaviour around other cats can be a bit hit and miss. Theo is that arrogant guy at the party… the one that struts up to a group of strangers and starts antagonizing people in order to make himself look clever. If the other guys (or cats in this case) are happy to ignore that behaviour, everything is fine. If the other guys/cats are also tough guys… it all gets a bit hissy, spitty and swipey. However Theo has never caused a fight, and as he was only just neutered two weeks ago this behaviour may resolve itself as his hormones drop a bit further. For this reason we’d prefer Theo to go into an only cat home, though if your present pets are casual and not easily offended it could be ok. Ideally we’d love Jasper to be adopted with Theo, as he’s the only one who is willing to put up with Theos crap!

(I had intended to include a small video of how affectionate Theo and Jasper are, however unfortunately I cannot post it here – please click HERE, which will take you to a quick clip on our Facebook page!)

In spite of Theos other-cat-related sins, he is ultra affectionate with people and just wants to be where you are, getting snuggles. As a complete stranger, he met me at the door of Kitten Corner and stuck to me like velcro for the entire visit – he’s quite comfortable with strangers. He has also lived with dogs (and was fine) as well as children (where he was also fine) however he still hasn’t gotten a handle on when claws are and are not appropriate (not aggressively, just… grabby) so we’d recommend not with small children. The whole litter is quite small for their age, but perfectly healthy. Ideally we would love Theo and his litter to be homed into an indoors only situation, or at very least a home that will keep him indoors in the peak heat of the day – cats with white noses and ears are very susceptible to skin cancers, and this risk can be reduced by keeping them indoors and out of the sun!

We often find that when kittens are rehomed, they will often lose some of their less desirable traits. So please don’t let Theos occasionally dominant attitude put you off – he has a big heart and is very affectionate and will make a great little pet for anyone who likes a little bit of zing in their pets!

If you think Theo and his snazzy good looks sounds like the life of YOUR party, message us and we can set up a meet!

Megan x

PS last weeks adoptee of the week Ellen? Is now Ellie and doing well on her trial!

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